
  • 電話:0538-7271096 中文  |  EN
Conveyor belt creep treatment method

    First: screw tension or hydraulic tensioning belt conveyor skid using spiral tension or hydraulic tensioning appeared sliding adjustable belt conveyor tensioning trip to increase tension. Sometimes tensioning trip has not enough, however, created permanent deformation belt, the belt can be cut to a new sulfide.

    Second: in the use of nylon belt or EP is to require tensioning travel longer, when insufficient stroke can also be used to cure or increase the tension to solve.

  Run a variety of reasons, according to the different reasons for the difference between treatment.

  Third: heavy hammer tensioning belt conveyor belt skid to use heavy hammer tensioning device of belt conveyor in the belt creep can add weight to solve, when added to the belt does not skid. But should not add too much, lest make the belt to bear too much unnecessary tension and reduce the service life of the belt.